
Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 33″

“None of the most famous heroes of rome have discovered a greater love of their country or a greater contempt of death than these people.”

The 5 nations of the Iroquois league (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca) were governed at the highest level by the grand council …

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Bronze edition: 7 | Height: 36″

A.K.A. “Le Cerf Agile”  (Bounding Elk)

“Such an unblemished specimen of the
noblest proportions of man.”

Uncas, son of Chingachgook, the fictional character of James Fenimore Cooper’s “Last Of The Mohicans”, who is first introduced by him in the following passage:  “…there was no concealment to his …

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Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 21″

Huron Chief

One of the Indian leaders and chief of the Hurons who accompanied the French commander Hertel on the February 29th raid on Deerfield in 1704. Along with the Caughnawago Mohawk and the Abenaki, the Hurons of Lorette were strong, dependable allies of the French.

When …

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Sesquhannock Sculpture

SesquehannockStudy of Susquehannock

Large | Bronze edition: 5 | Height: 48″
Study | Bronze edition: 60 | Height: 21″

“He seemed the goodliest man we ever beheld!”

“…60 of those Susquehannock came to us . . . such great and well-proportioned men are seldome seene, for they seemed like giants to the English …

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The Seneca-Mohawk Lacrosse Game of 1797

The Seneca-Mohawk Lacrosse Game of 1797 Sculpture

Bronze edition: 35 | Height: 17″

“The tall erect posture and the elastic tread of the Indian… is attributable to… physical training. The consequence is,….the Indian indulges in those sports which expand the chest and throw back the shoulders and impart agility and grace to the movements of the limbs. In addition to …

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Sea Serpents

(set of two)

Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 30″ and 32″

Inspired by the imaginary creatures which haunted the minds of ancient mariners and swam in the oceans of 16th centure sea charts and maps.

Sconondoa (Shenandoah)

Bronze edition: 20 | Height 30″

“Sconondoa, an incredibly old and frail chief of the Oneidas, rose to speak at a treaty negotiation between the British and the Iroquois at Albany, N.Y. The date was July 17, 1752. No one knew how old he was but no white man present knew him except …

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Bronze edition: 25 | Height: 30″

In the early 1630’s Sassacus “held dominion over part of Long Island, over the Mohegan, over the sagamores of Quinapeake (New Haven), yea over all the people that dwelt upon Connecticut River, and over some of the southerly inhabitants of the Nipmuck Country about Quinabaug.” (Shelburne/Brookfield, Mass.)

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Runs Like a Deer

Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 16″

Neogo Ka: Yeda: Ke’s

” …there was no likelihood of our catching them for they are as swift as horses.”

Champlain, voyages (1604-18)

“very comely with good features, many pretty brownettoes and spider-fingered lasses among them.”

Josselyn (1674)

“The men and …

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The Romans of the West

The Roams of the West Sculpture

The Roams of the WestA Study of the Romans of the West IA Study of the Romans of the West II

Large | Bronze edition: 25 | Height: 25″
Study I | Bronze edition: 60 | Height: 18″
Study II | Bronze edition: 60 | Height: 17″

An Iroquois war party invading the Huron …

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The Ranger and The Marksman

THE RANGER | Bonze edition: 25 | Height: 22″
THE MARKSMAN | Bronze edition: 25 | Height: 15″

Sold as a set or may be purchased separately

The “Battle on Snowshoes” was one of the most famous battles of the French and Indian War. Rogers turns one of his only defeats into a “victory” through …

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Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 30″ (with base)

“According to Canadian tradition, he was not above middle height, though his muscular figure was cast in a mold of remarkable symmetry and vigor…his features had a bold and stern expression; while his habitual bearing was imperious and peremptory, like that of a man accustomed to sweep …

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Pocahontas (“Frolicsome One”)

a.k.a. Matoaka

Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 25″ (with base)

“A well featured , wanton young girl…resorting to our fort, of the age of 11 or 12 years,” where she would get the boys “forth with her into the marketplace, and vie with them in turning handsprings!”

William Strachey, 1608

“A child …

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Penobscot Hunter

Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 23″ | Length: 43″

“These Indians lead a very singular life. At one time of the year they live on a very small store of corn, beans and melons which they have planted; during another period, or about this time, their food is fish, without bread or any other meat; and …

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Ononkwaya (An Oneida Chief)

Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 24″

“I had always supposed, heretofore, that the paintings and the busts I had seen of the Roman Emperors, represented the ideal of artists rather than men who had actually ever existed… until I came to this country (the land of the Hurons/Iroquois). For …

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(Men Surpassing All Other Men)

Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 16″

“Among all the nations and tribes in this vast extent of country, those called the Five Nations (Iroquois) stand distinguished and deserving of the first notice. They are dreaded and revered by all others for their superior understanding, activity and valor in …

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Noble Savage

Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 20″

“The men employ their time solely in hunting and other exercises of the bow, except that they sometimes take some pains at fishing.”

Edward Winslow (c. 1630)

Intuitively the Indians knew how essential it was to live in a right relationship with the land and its resources. …

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The Moose Hunter

Bronze edition: 50 | Height: 16″

In the deep snows and shortened days of the month of the snow moon, the moose hunter stalks his prey. More than any other animal, the moose will allow his Abenaki band to survive the lean months of winter. Weighing as much as 1200 lbs, and standing 7′ …

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Monstrous Fish

Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 33″

Capable of swallowing ships whole. Lived at a time when the earth was flat. One of the denizens of the “Sea of Darkness” that lived near the edge of the world. (If we may credit the reoprts of ancient mariners). Thought to have become extinct about the time the …

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Molly Molasses

Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 29″

Molly Molasses, the Grandmother of all Penobscot, still frequents our streets, receiving kindly coppers from the third generation of those who have known her as an old woman. She has no fixed idea of her own age, but it must be considerably over a hundred. Though much …

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