Tag: shaman

Wonders of the Invisible World

Invisible World Sculpture

Bronze edition: 15 | Height: 22″ | Length: 38″

“But such is the decent of the Devil as this day upon ourselves that I may truely tell you, the walls of the whole world are broked down! … The very devils are broke in upon us, to seduce the souls, torment the bodies … and …

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Molly Molasses

Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 29″

Molly Molasses, the Grandmother of all Penobscot, still frequents our streets, receiving kindly coppers from the third generation of those who have known her as an old woman. She has no fixed idea of her own age, but it must be considerably over a hundred. Though much …

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Bronze edition: 15 | Height: 40″

Penobscot Chief and Shaman

“Their food is whatever they can get from the chase and from fishing for they do not till the soil at all. In the month of February until the middle of March is the great hunt for beavers, otters, moose and bears and for …

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Banishing the Evil Spirits

Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 22″

An Iroquois Shaman of the False Face Society performing a curing ritual.

Shamans were those who claimed to control supernatural powers; who obtained special potency thru visions and dreams in which powerful spirits revealed themselves to those whose orenda (a potentiality to do or effect results mystically) were …

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Atotarho (First Among Equals)

Bronze edition: 8 | Height: 20″

Chief of the Onondagas

A renowned warrior and a mighty magician stands with his hair of writhing snakes, grotesquely conspicuous through the dim light of tradition at this birth of Iroquois nationality. This was Atotarho (aka Tadodaho), chief of the Onondagas; to this day, his name has been …

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He Hunts in the Spirit World

A Huron Shaman

Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 20″

A Shaman is one whose Orenda is great, powerful (Orenda: “a potentiality to do or effect results mystically”). Those who claimed to control supernatural powers, who obtained special potency thru visions or dreams in which a powerful spirit had revealed itself to them were …

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Sagamore, a study of Madockawando

2002 | Bronze edition: 25 | Height: 21″

Certain men renowned as warriors and hunters or endowed with a gift for oratory qualified as leaders in Wabanaki society were called Sagamores. Great Sagamores were known to possess as well, special spirit power which power which enabled them to accomplish extraordinary feats. The greatest Shamans were …

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