Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 16″
Neogo Ka: Yeda: Ke’s
” …there was no likelihood of our catching them for they are as swift as horses.”
Champlain, voyages (1604-18)
“very comely with good features, many pretty brownettoes and spider-fingered lasses among them.”
Josselyn (1674)
“The men and the women are well formed, strong and robust. There is a moderate number of pleasing and pretty girls in respect to figure, color and expression all being in harmony … there are among these tribes powerful women on extraordinary height.”
Champlain, voyages (1604-18)
“… if we begin with physical advantages, I will say that they possess these in abundance: they are tall, erect, strong, well proportioned and agile.”
Fr. Paul LeJeune, Relations (1634)
“The native women have such a fine shape and regular features as to make them appear like statues in bronze done by a masterly hand”.
“The native women have such a fine shape and regular features as to make them appear like statues in bronze done by a masterly hand.”
Robert Beverly (1705)