Bronze edition: 9 | Height: 32″ (with base)
“In the features of Brant may be seen the personification of the aristocratic, cruelly domineering Iroquois, natural men who are impassioned lovers of freedom and warfare …”
“Truly a man of two worlds,” feared by American colonists as the “monster Brant” – a war chief of the Mohawk who allied with the tories in ruthless frontier warfare through much of New York and Pennsylvania during the American Revolutionary War. Reputedly the bloodthirsty leader of such infamous battles as the Wyoming and Cherry Valley massacres and yet, he was educated by Eleazor Wheelock who later founded Dartmouth College. During his lifetime he came in contact with such notable figures of his day as King George III of England, George Washington, James Boswell and Sir William Johnson. He traveled within the upper circles of English aristocracy when in London and his portrait was executed by such notable English and American painters as George Romney, Charles Wilson Peale, Benjamin West and Gilbert Stuart.
“In the features of Brant may be seen the personification of the aristocratic, cruelly domineering Iroquois, natural men who are impassioned lovers of freedom and warfare, polished orators, virtually heroes out of Homer… None of the most famous heroes of Rome have discovered a greated love of their country or a greater contempt of death than these people.”