Tag: cherokee


Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 24″

Dances in the Wind

“These people are the most beautiful and have them most civil customs that we have found on this voyage. They are taller than we are … the face is clear-cut … the eyes are black and alert … and their manner is very …

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Cherokee Ballplayer I and
Cherokee Ballplayer II

Ball Players I & II

Bronze edition: 60 each | Height: 17″ each

Sold as a set or may be purchased separately

Any number of physical maneuvers that would today be considered fouls were permitted in this, the only double stick form of lacrosse which was played by the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek and other tribes of the Southeast. Tackling, wrestling, …

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A Cherokee Ball Game

Cherokee Ballgame Sculpture

Bronze edition: 25 | Length: 30″

“Lacrosse is deeply rooted in the mythology and oral histories of the tribes that played the game. The early Jesuits appear to have been aware that a lacrosse match was a highly ceremonialized religious expression. Success or failure was attributable more to the prowess of the religious leaders …

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Bronze edition: 9 | Height: 32″

This is a study for the monumental bronze honoring the Cherokee, unveiled along the banks of the Tennessee River and is the first freestanding bronze statue in the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Also see the model for the Cherokee monument called Noble Savage.

Footnote: The three letters signifying Cherokee …

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