(Men Surpassing All Other Men)

Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 16″
“Among all the nations and tribes in this vast extent of country, those called the Five Nations (Iroquois) stand distinguished and deserving of the first notice. They are dreaded and revered by all others for their superior understanding, activity and valor in war, in which constant practice renders them expert.”
Major Robert Rogers (1765)
“They come like foxes…they attack like lions…and take flight like birds.”
“The Iroquois at this time (1640’s) were in a flush of unparalleled audacity. They despised white men as base poltroons and esteemed themselves warriors and heroes destined to conquer all mankind. They called themselves ‘Ongue-Onwhe’, that is ‘men surpassing all other men’ … The best hope of the French lay in the Jesuit mission to the Huron: ‘the future would have been full of hope, but for the portentious cloud of war that rose, black and wrathful from where lay the dens of the Iroquois’…”
Francis Parkman (1867)
“They are indefatigable as hunters, they run very swift and hold to it a long time”.
Fr. Hennepin (1698)
“The way of waging war among the natives is so harsh that one must have a body of steel to bear the fatigues that they are obliged to undergo.”
Baron LaHontan (1703)
“They are regarded as formidable everywhere and are victors over all with whom they have been at war. It has put into their heads that idea of sovereign sway to which they aspire … with an ambition so lofty that they (believe) that their own destruction cannot occur without bringing in its train the downfall of the whole earth. But what is even more astonishing is that they actually do hold dominion over 500 leagues around (1500 miles) … it is therefore a marvel that so few men can work such great havoc and render themselves so redoubtable to so many.”
Jerome Lalemont (1660)
“They come like foxes…they attack like lions…and they take flight like birds.”
Jesuit relations (1663)