Tag: white man

Major Robert Rogers

Major Robert Rogers Sculpture

Bronze edition: 9 | Height: 27″

“The great and fundamental principle of [the Indians] policy is that every man is naturally free and independent, that no one on earth has the right to deprive him of his freedom and independence and that nothing can be a compensation for the loss of it. …Among …

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The Ranger and The Marksman

THE RANGER | Bonze edition: 25 | Height: 22″
THE MARKSMAN | Bronze edition: 25 | Height: 15″

Sold as a set or may be purchased separately

The “Battle on Snowshoes” was one of the most famous battles of the French and Indian War. Rogers turns one of his only defeats into a “victory” through …

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The Battle on Snowshoes

The Battle on Snowshoes Sculpture

2005 | Bronze edition: 20 | Maximum Height: 32″ | Maximum Width: 28″ | Length: 50 “

One of the most famous battles of the French and Indian War, Robert Rogers turns one of his only defeats into a “victory” through clever public relations and by exaggerating both the enemies strength and the number …

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