Tag: onondaga


Bronze edition: 10 | Height: 24″

“He was an astute old savage, well trained in the arts of Iroquois rhetoric and gifted with the power of strong and caustic sarcasm…He shared with most of his countrymen the conviction that in all the earth there was nothing so great as the league of the Iroquois.”

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Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 32″

Garakontie was seen by his contemporaries as “the most noted man among all the Iroquois.” He may claim from us recognition as the greatest American diplomat of the 17th century.

He was, for a quarter century, “first among equals” among the “50 Confederate Lords” who ruled over the league …

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Atotarho (First Among Equals)

Bronze edition: 8 | Height: 20″

Chief of the Onondagas

A renowned warrior and a mighty magician stands with his hair of writhing snakes, grotesquely conspicuous through the dim light of tradition at this birth of Iroquois nationality. This was Atotarho (aka Tadodaho), chief of the Onondagas; to this day, his name has been …

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Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 30″

An Iroquois chief and speaker of the Grand Council at Onondaga

Canassetego was an Iroquois chief known not only for his large physical stature, but also for his charisma and his oratorical skill. He was elected speaker of the Grand Council at Onondaga, the spokesman for the most …

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Bronze edition: 20 | Height: 30″

The stern and ruthless warrior (always, at least in theory, fighting to avenge the death or insult of a blood relative or publicly avowed friend), might become a noted war-captain or an official war chief. The war-captain ideal, open as it was to all youths, irrespective of clan or …

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